Dilworth Park | Philadelphia


CityPickle's first Philadelphia outpost in the iconic Dilworth Park is currently closed.

Address of CityPickle at Dilworth Park

1 S 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102

Hours of Operation

10am - 7pm | daily, weather dependent

Days of Operation

September 7 - October 22 2023


To get in contact with us please send an email to activations@city-pickle.com

How Do I Book a Court at Dilworth Park?

You can book a court by going to our Dilworth Park booking page. We also offer Clinics, available here

How Can I Host a CityPickle Event at Dilworth Park?

We'd love to host your event! Please visit our events page and fill out the Dilworth Park events form

Paddle Rental

Don't worry if you don't have a paddle or forgot yours at home. Paddle rental is available for $6 a paddle