Refer a friend to CityPickle and earn $20 of CityPickle credit on us.
How it works:
1. Rave about CityPickle and convince your friends to sign up for any CityPickle program (excluding community play). Hint: Tell them about our First-Time Player offer for 50% off.
3. Tell them to mention your name when checking in at the front desk during their first visit.
4. Our team will instantly add $20 in CityPickle credit to your account for use towards any future booking.
What Programming Can My Friend Sign Up For?
As long as your friend is New to CityPickle, any CityPickle Open Play, Clinic, League, Party, or Tournament is valid for this offer. Community Play and Private court reservations are not.
We recommend starting with our Intro to Pickleball clinic for any new player. They're tons of fun and equip players with the basic skills they need to start playing and improving on their own.
What Can I Use My CityPickle Credit For?
You can use your credit for any reservation or booking of any kind. That includes private court reservations, clinics, open plays, leagues, and any other programming you see on our schedule!